Breeder/ Stud: Trumps Merino stoet
Description: Owner: Hannes Bosh
Body weight Index: 116
Clean fleece yeild index:
Fibre Diameter: 89
Staple length: 109
Selection Index: 116%
Micron: 17,5
Clean Fleece Yeild: 68,9%
Comfort Factor: 99.7
CV %: 14,5
Wean weight: 37,4
Bought by Hannes Bosch on the 2023 Trumps Merino production auction for R37 000.
Sired by imported semen of the double poll ram, Glenlea Park.
His BLUP REW is 101 and his current micron 19.7
Cost per Dose/ Straw: R150.00