

  • VIAGRA/9054

    Breeder/ Stud: Safford Collen (Collen Boerdery)
    Description: Owners: Stafford Collen

    Dam: Collen ewe, CCS170062, Daughter of Panado, CCS 160030.
    Sire: Collen Ram, Staaldraad CCS170104

    Exceptional ram with excellent covering, strong head, good covering, and legs. Very masculine and keeps good condition in the veld.

    Cost per Dose/ Straw: R150.00
  • SNORKEL/9215

    Breeder/ Stud: Safford Collen (Collen Boerdery)
    Description: Owners: Stafford Collen

    Dam: Collen ewe, CCS160088, granddaughter of CRC100610 Hammer.
    Sire : Mr Pepper, bred out of Elandsnek Line, son of Sout and Pepper.

    Exceptional red ram with excellent covering, strong head, good covering, and legs. Very masculine and keeps good condition in the veld.

    Cost per Dose/ Straw: R150.00
  • KATOOLS/T9288

    Breeder/ Stud: Safford Collen (Collen Boerdery)
    Description: Owners: Stafford Collen

    Dam: Collen ewe CCS170029, Granddaughter of Hammer CRC100610.
    Sire : Collen Ram, CCS180219, bred out of Elandsnek Line MR Pepper RSL161000 the son of Sout and Pepper.

    Exceptional red ram with excellent covering, strong head, good covering, and legs. Very masculine and keeps good condition in the veld.

    Cost per Dose/ Straw: R150.00
  • JALAPENO/9285

    Breeder/ Stud: Stafford Collen (Collen Boerdery)
    Description: Owners: Stafford Collen

    Dam: Collen ewe, CCS160146, bred out of Kern Meatmaster line
    Sire: Collen Ram, CCS180219, bred out of Elandsnek Meatmaster line

    Exceptional red ram with excellent covering, strong head, good covering, and legs. Very masculine and keeps good condition in the veld.
    Cost per Dose/ Straw: R150.00
  • KATOOLS/CCS190288

    Breeder/ Stud: Stafford Collen (Collen Boerdery)
    Description: Owners: Dolf Kampman
    Cost per Dose/ Straw: R100.00
  • FIRE/CCS200033

    Breeder/ Stud: Stafford Collen (Collen Boerdery)
    Description: Owners: Dolf Kampman
    Cost per Dose/ Straw: R80.00