AI Check Sheet

Important – please read carefully before commencing programme

The programme:

  • Once a date is booked we will send you a programme along with CIDR’s, PMSG, Applicator, etc.
  • Follow the programme exactly.
  • CIDR’s – Follow instructions on packaging, if you are new to CIDR’s please contact us and we can advise you on applying them correctly with the proprietary applicator. CIDR’s work well for maiden ewes as well as mature ewes.

The ewes:

  • Choose ewes of known good fertility, which normally breed well in the chosen season.
  • It is beneficial to expose ewes to teaser rams for 4 weeks prior to CIDR insertion. One teaser per 50 ewes.
  • All vaccinations and de-worming must be finished 4 weeks before the start of the program.
  • It is recommended that ewes be treated with a vitamin/mineral supplement during the month preceding the program, especially during the spring breeding season in South Africa, where ewes come through a dry winter with poor grazing.
  • It is best to wean lambs off the ewes before the synchronisation program is started.
  • No ewes, which lambed in the two months preceding the program, should be synchronised.
  • Ewes must be in a body condition score of at least 2,5 at the start of the program and be in a rising plane of nutrition.
  • It is recommended that ewes are fed a lick with rumen undegradable protein during the 3-4 weeks preceding the program and to continue this supplement feeding for 6 weeks post AI.
  • Starve ewes well before AI – at least 18 hours off food and water. This is very important.
  • Avoid STRESS, handle ewes gently and quietly, particularly the day before and the first 4 weeks after AI. No dogs!
  • Allow ewes access to a teaser ram from 24 hours after sponge removal. One teaser per 50 ewes.
  • Where valuable frozen semen is being used, try to ensure only those ewes which have been seen on heat (or marked by the teaser ram) are inseminated.
  • Before the AI team arrives, ensure ewes are sorted into first choice ram groups.

The ram:

  • It is beneficial to have rams accustomed to people close by when serving an ewe. This makes fresh semen collection with an Artificial Vagina easier.
  • All vaccinations should be finished two and a half months before the intended AI day.
  • No history of any illness during the two months preceding the AI day.
  • Do NOT let your rams serve any ewes for at least five days prior to the AI date.

Frozen Semen:

Order all frozen semen when booking your AI date, even when semen is stored in your name.


Ensure adequate able-bodied labour is available. The minimum requirement is four people.


We do not routinely take frozen semen with on AI days, frozen semen needs to be ordered well in advance of your AI day. If you are planning to use fresh semen on your AI day it is a good idea to book frozen semen as back-up to prevent disappointment when problems with obtaining good quality fresh semen arise.

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