
Breeder/ Stud: Trumps Merino stud
Description: Description: Owner: Julian Jordaan
Body weight Index: 108
Average daily growth: 117
Clean fleece yeild index: 133
Fibre Diameter: 109
Staple length: 102
Selection Index: 106.6%
Micron: 21.6
Clean Fleece Yeild: 75.2 %
Comfort Factor: 99.6
CV %: 13.4
Body weight at sale: 136 kg

Bought by Julian Jordaan at the 2021 National Merino Auction for R 90 000.00
This incredible poll merino ram is the brother of Maestro (sold at the 2020 Nationals for R105 000.00).

Cost per Dose/ Straw: R100.00
